Dr. George Viscopoleanu este medic în cadrul Spitalului Foișor.
Domeniile sale de expertiză medicală sunt: chirurgia endoprotetică, chirurgia spinală, artroscopică și traumatologia. În prezent, este și medicul coordonator al activității de transplant de os din cadrul Spitalului Foișor.
În timpul pregătirii sale profesionale, a urmat un stagiu de specializare în Marea Britanie în cadrul NHS Heart of England Foundation Trust-Good Hope Hospital în domeniul chirurgiei genunchiului și umărului.
De asemenea, a participat la numeroase cursuri și congrese în țara și în străinătate în domeniul chirurgiei endoprotetice, chirurgiei spinale și artroscopice organizate de societăți precum AO Foundation, EuroSpine și ESSKA.
Programarea dumneavoastră a fost înregistrată cu numărul .
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- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course 2013-2018
- AOTrauma – Approaches and Osteosynthesis Course – Graz, Austria
- SpR (Specialty Registrar) Ortopedie-Traumatologie
- Spitalul Good Hope – Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, Marea Britanie
- Medtronic Minimally Invasive Spine Course - University of Minho, Braga, Portugalia
- EuroSpine Education Week – Basic Module Strasbourg, Franța
- Zimmer-Biomet BioSkills Course - Direct Anterior Approach Hip Artrhoplasty - Viena, Austria
- Eurospine Education Week - Advanced Modules - 18-25 June 2018 – Strasbourg, Franța
Activitatea științifică
- The augmentation versus the standard technique for anatomic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament tears – preliminary postoperative results – Ștefan Mogoș, Ioan-Cristian Stoica, Radu Orfanu, George Viscopoleanu and Bogdan Șendrea, Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, Supplement 1, p. 133-136
- The Efficiency of a Posterior Approach Technique for the Management of Pyogenic Spondylitis – Prof. dr. Ioan Cristian Stoica, Dr. George Viscopoleanu, Dr. Ștefan Mogoș, Dr. Nedelea Georgiana, Dr. Bogdan Șendrea, Dr. Alexandru Draghici – International Journal of Medical Physiology, ISSN: 2534-885X 26 Volume 2, 2017, 21-26
- Surgical treatment of spondylodiscitis using a single posterior approach and segmental instrumentation – T. Ursu, G. Viscopoleanu, A. Sîrbu, A. Drăghici. I.C. Stoica – podium presentation SOROT Congress 2014
- The anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral ligament:surgical technique and short-term results – G Viscopoleanu, Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – E-poster – ”Best E-POSTER – Residents” award – 1st place – “SRATS” Congress 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
- Early postoperative results of ACL reconstruction using the Outside-In femoral tunnel drilling technique with arthroscopic confirmation of tunnel positioning – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, G. Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, IC Stoica – podium presentation – ”Best oral presentation – Residents” award – 1st place – “SRATS” Congress 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
- Surgical correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – a 3 to 5 year follow-up study – T. Ursu, G Viscopoleanu, A Sîrbu, B Șendrea, A Drăghici – podium presentation – SOROT Congress 2015
- The role of temporary segmental instrumentation in juvenile idiopathic scoliosis – T Ursu, B Șendrea, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, A Sîrbu – instructional course – podium presentation – “UK West Midlands Summer in Bucharest” International Educational Exchange – Bucharest – 2015,
- Using the pedicle subtraction osteotomy (p.s.o.) for the correction of sagittal imbalance in spinal pathology – A. Drăghici, T. Ursu, G. Viscopoleanu, A. Sîrbu, B. Șendrea – podium presentation SOROT Congress 2015
- 360 degree vertebral fusion for treatment of degenerative spinal pathology – T.Ursu, A. Sîrbu, G. Viscopoleanu, A. Drăghici – podium presentation SOROT Congress 2014
- The use of dynamic stabilization in vertebral pathology – Dynesis – 12 month follow-up study – T. Ursu, I.C. Stoica, A. Draghici, A. Sîrbu, G. Viscopoleanu – Podium presentation – SOROT Congress 2013
- Management of acetabular bone defects in hip revision surgery – I.C. Stoica, G. Viscopoleanu, B. Șendrea, A. Draghici, R. Orfanu, R. Cismașiu – podium presentation SOROT Congress 2016
- Management of bone defects in knee revision surgery – short-term results – I.C. Stoica, B. Șendrea, G.Viscopoleanu, A. Draghici, Ș. Mogoș, R. Orfanu – podium presentation SOROT Congress 2016
- Meniscal root repair: Identification and technique for repair – Ș Mogoș, T Negru, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Drăghici, I.C. Stoica – free paper – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Congress – XVII edition, November 2017, Timișoara, Romania;
- Minimally invasive endoscopic surgical treatment for unicameral bone cyst of the calcaneus – case report – I.C. Stoica, T Negru, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Drăghici, Ș Mogoș – free paper – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Congress – XVII edition, November 2017, Timișoara, Romania;
- Treatment of pyogenic spondylitis using a single posterior approach – A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, G Nedelea, Ș Mogoș, IC Stoica – free paper – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Congress – XVII edition, , November 2017, Timișoara,Romania;
- Ponte osteotomy for management of Scheuerman’s kyphosis – A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, A Sîrbu, IC Stoica – free paper – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Congress – XVII edition, November 2017, Timișoara, Romania;
- Decreasing donor site morbidity in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using hamstring tendon autograft-B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, IC Stoica – E-poster – ”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 6th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- Lumbar spine osteotomy in ankylosing spondilitis – A Drăghici, TR Ursu, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Sîrbu – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania
- Isolated medial patello-femoral ligament reconstruction using gracilis tendon autograft for recurrent patellar dislocation – Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu, R Weichel, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- The arthroscopic diagnosis of posterior horn disinsertion of the medial meniscus in anterior cruciate ligament injury – R Orfanu, R Weichel, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- Addressing the posterior malleolus during open reduction and internal fixation of complex ankle fractures : case series – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, CI Stoica – e-poster –”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania ;
- Combined reconstruction of anterior cruciate and medical collateral ligaments for multiple knee ligamentous lesions : case report – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, CI Stoica – e-poster –”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- Combined reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament and proximal tibial osteotomy for complex knee cartilage and ligamentous lesions : case report – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, T Negru, CI Stoica – e-poster –”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania ;
- Posterior decompression and segmental instrumentation fixation of thoracic pyogenic discitis after late onset of neurologic symptomatology : case report – B Șendrea, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, A Sîrbu, Ș Mogoș, CI Stoica – e-poster –”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- Open reduction and internal fixation of complex proximal humeral fractures using dynamic compression plating : case series – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, A Chiribău, CI Stoica – e-poster –”Carol Davila” University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania;
- Upper limb pain secondary to cervical disc herniation – Treatment with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion – short term results – B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Drăghici, A Sîrbu, Ș Mogoș CI Stoica –podium presentation- The National Congress of the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery – 11th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
- Case report: Corrective osteotomy in a fourth metacarpal malunion – a therapeutic option for extension defficit recovery – B Șendrea, A Sîrbu, G Viscopoleanu, A Drăghici, Ș Mogoș CI Stoica -–podium presentation- The National Congress of the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery – 11th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
- Case report: Secondary upper limb neuropathy in a patient presenting with multiple level median nerve compression – B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Drăghici, A Sîrbu, Ș Mogoș, CI Stoica – –podium presentation- The National Congress of the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery – 11th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
- Case report: Refractory ankle fracture non-union after aggressive treatment in an incompliant, diabetic patient – B Șendrea, A Drăghici, A Sîrbu, G Viscopoleanu, Ș Mogoș, CI Stoica –podium presentation- The National Congress of the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery – 11th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;