Cu o experiență vastă dobândită în cadrul Spitalului ”Sf. Ioan” din Bucureşti, Dr. Daniel Enceanu este o prezență de încredere în lumea medicinii ortopedice. Este cunoscut pentru abordarea sa empatică și atentă față de fiecare pacient, lucrând alături de aceștia pentru a găsi cele mai eficiente căi de tratament.
Cu o experiență vastă în chirurgia ortopedică și tratamentul afecțiunilor traumatologice, Dr. Daniel Enceanu este dedicat să ofere o îngrijire completă și de calitate pacienților săi. El este specializat în tratamentul afecțiunilor musculo-scheletale, incluzând leziuni sportive, fracturi, afecțiuni degenerative ale articulațiilor și alte probleme ortopedice complexe.
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Activitate științifică-profesională
- Din 2009 Membru în Colegiul Medicilor București
- Participări la multiple Conferințe Naționale de Ortopedie și Traumatologie
- Forumul Național al Durerii , Sinaia - martie 2009
- Studii clinice 2009-2010 - Onyx Study 150-CL-040 (profilaxie antitrombotică pe artroplastia de șold)
- Studii clinice 2009-2010 - ThromboGenics TB 402-004 (profilaxie antitrombotică pe artroplastia de genunchi)
- 2017 – curs AO Foundation de chirurgia mâinii
- 2017 – atestat de Chirurgie Artroscopică
- - 2020 - Medic Primar Ortopedie Traumatologie
- Symposium – Modern techniques in primary and revision arthroplasty – course participant – Baile Felix, Romania- September 2016
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module III –Faculty member (Course Instructor), Bucharest, Romania- February 2016
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module II –Faculty member (Course Instructor), Bucharest, Romania- January 2016
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module I –Faculty member (Course Instructor), Bucharest, Romania- November 2015
- AAOS-SOROT Shoulder Program – course participant - “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania- October 2015
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module III – course participant – Bucharest, Romania- February 2015
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module III –Faculty member (Course Instructor) – Bucharest, Romania February 2015
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module II – course participant – Bucharest, Romania January 2015
- The Romanian National Arthroscopy Course – Module I – course participant – Bucharest, Romania- November 2014
- 10 basic principles of the TKA – course participant – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Conference – Constanta, Romania- September 2014
- Concomitant reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament – surgical procedure and clinical outcomes- Radu Orfanu M.D., Edu Antoine M.D., Stefan Mogos M.D. - August 2018
- Reconstruction of severe acetabular bone defects in revision hip arthroplasty: management options and clinical outcomes-Stefan Mogos M.D., George Viscopoleanu M.D., Monica Dascalu, Radu Orfanu M.D - August 2018
- Concomitant reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament – surgical procedure and clinical outcomes- Radu Orfanu M.D., Edu Antoine M.D., Stefan Mogos M.D. - August 2018
- Reconstruction of severe acetabular bone defects in revision hip arthroplasty: management options and clinical outcomes-Stefan Mogos M.D., George Viscopoleanu M.D., Monica Dascalu, Radu Orfanu M.D. - August 2018
- Management of acetabular bone defects in hip revision surgery – IC Stoica, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Draghici, Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu (co-author), – free paper -- – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Conference, Baile Felix, Romania - Septmber 2016
- Management of bone defects in knee revision surgery -- IC Stoica, B Șendrea,G Viscopoleanu, A Draghici, Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu – free paper -- – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Conference, Baile Felix, Romania - September 2016
- Decreasing donor site morbidity in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using hamstring tendon autograft – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, IC Stoica – E-poster -- ''Carol Davila'' University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 6th edition, Bucharest, Romania - June 2016
- The anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral ligament:surgical technique and short-term results – G Viscopoleanu, Ș Mogoș, B Șendrea ,R Orfanu, (co-author), IC Stoica – E-poster -- ''Best E-POSTER – Residents'' award – 1st place – “SRATS” Congress 2016, Bucharest, Romania - March 2016
- Isolated medial patello-femoral ligament reconstruction using gracilis tendon autograft for recurrent patellar dislocation – Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu (co-author),, R Weichel, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania - October 2015
- The arthroscopic diagnosis of posterior horn disinsertion of the medial meniscus in anterior cruciate ligament injury – R Orfanu (co-author) , R Weichel, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania - October 2015
- The arthroscopic diagnosis of posterior horn disinsertion of the medial meniscus in anterior cruciate ligament injury – R Orfanu (co-author) , R Weichel, G Viscopoleanu, B Șendrea, IC Stoica – free paper – “SOROT” The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress – 16th edition, Bucharest, Romania - October 2015
- Combined anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament reconstruction – surgical technique and early postoperative results -Radu Orfanu, Stefan Mogoş Iulian Marcu1, Nicolae Mihailide, Ioan-Cristian Stoica - March 2018
- Addressing the posterior malleolus during open reduction and internal fixation of complex ankle fractures : case series - B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, CI Stoica – e-poster –''Carol Davila'' University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania - May 2017
- Combined reconstruction of anterior cruciate and medical collateral ligaments for multiple knee ligamentous lesions : case report - B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, A Drăghici, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, CI Stoica – e-poster –''Carol Davila'' University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 5th edition, Bucharest, Romania - May 2017
- Ensuring rotational stability in ACL reconstruction with ALL augmentation – short-term results IC Stoica, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Draghici, Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu (co-author), – podium presentation – ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Conference, Baile Felix, Romania - September 2016
- The use of semitendinosus tendon in ACL reconstruction – comparing technique effectiveness IC Stoica, B Șendrea, G Viscopoleanu, A Draghici, Ș Mogoș, R Orfanu (co-author), – podium presentation– ‘’SOROT’’ The Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Conference, Baile Felix, Romania - September 2016
- Restoring normal ACL anatomy through reconstruction using the outside-in femoral tunnel drilling technique with arthroscopic confirmation of tunnel positioning – early results – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, IC Stoica -- podium presentation – Young Investigator award (surgical specialities) – 6th place – ''Carol Davila'' University for Medicine and Pharmacy Congress – 6th edition, Bucharest, Romania - June 2016
- Early postoperative results of ACL reconstruction using the Outside-In femoral tunnel drilling technique with arthroscopic confirmation of tunnel positioning – B Șendrea, Ș Mogoș, G Viscopoleanu, R Orfanu, IC Stoica – podium presentation – ''Best oral presentation – Residents'' award – 1st place – “SRATS” Congress 2016, Bucharest, Romania - March 2016